Fear can
paralyze us, make us not take that next step in fulfilling our dreams.
Let’s talk
about fear, know it, claim it and push through barriers the devil puts in our
My Dad
passed away this past November. I had always feared one of “those” phone calls.
I had thought about getting one of those
phone calls in depth a few times, like seeing it happen in a movie, the next
thing you know you have a runaway train of thoughts about what you would do in
that situation. Fear leads to anxiety
ridden thoughts over the thing you fear, yet you still do not feel prepared
when you are in the situation you have feared for so long. Shocked, gutted, panicked, frozen; those
words better describe getting a phone call that your Dad has had a heart attack.
It was
during the next few months that I felt the Lord nudging me about fear,
convicting me about the small and big fears that I backed away from. I believe
it was a stage of my grieving that led me to push my anxiety to the back
burner; thinking to myself: why would I be fearful if I have already lost my
Dad and I survived it.
The Lord was with me, I felt his presence every step I
took, every decision I made, he helped me, calmed me. Things just seemed
smaller, less of a big deal. Time on the other hand became much more precious,
memories became like valuable heirlooms and I felt a rush to capture these now
very important things. The Lord nudged again and I knew exactly how I was going
to do this, photography.
I have loved photography for a really long time but had
only been brave enough to take pictures of our kids and our family, until
recently. The devil liked to tell me lies like 'well sure the photos look good
to you, but not to anyone else.' or 'you thought that photo was amazing but it
only got 4 likes on Instagram, you must not have real talent.'.
A few months
ago, I completed a morning devotional about living fearlessly; how to boldly
walk through the doors that God opens for you. During this study, the
opportunity arose for me to take engagement photos for the sweetest couple. My
voice surprised me when I heard myself say “I can do it, I’d love to do it.” I
am not going to lie, fear bubbled many times before the actual day of the photo
session came but I persisted (I know the Lord made me keep going because I was
really kind of nauseous just thinking about it).

Isn't breaking
free from a bondage holding you back, in this case fear, so rewarding when you
can see the Lord’s work in every part of your story?
So, yes, let’s talk about fear, know it, claim it and push through
barriers the devil puts in our way. What fears do you hold in your heart? I
pray you focus on Joshua 1:9 instead. Replace anxiety and fearful thoughts with
the fact that the Lord calls you to be strong and courageous. He promises to be
with you wherever you go. So do not be afraid.
This is my story,
Nikki Taylor
God is not the author of fear and yet we, as folowers of Jesus, often give in to it. Thank you for sharing your story.